Sunday, October 28, 2012

Project 365: 69/365

Gosh I'm having a hard time finishing my overdued convo posts (look at the posts dated few days ago, all empty to cheat readers one hahaha). Not sure why because I have eidetic memory like Sheldon so it is unlikely that I don't remember certain details (come to think of it, it is all a blur now omg!!!) LOL.

So why don't we skip all the petty details and talk about feelings #overly-attached-blogger

I am finally done with school. Muahaha I like saying that!

So I just want to use this post to tell my fellow readers who are still in your schooling years that YOU ARE NOT A LOSER FOR GETTING BAD GRADES! YOU WILL ONLY BE A LOSER IF YOU THINK GRADES MATTER! Put this in your head!

I'm sure at some point of our life we hear people telling us that but when the reality sink in, when you know you wouldn't be able to get into uni if you failed getting this grade, when you realise you need a certain level of education to get a job, you tend to move back into the 'grade matters' mental state.

It is true. You need to be qualified to do certain things. Can you save a person's life without studying how all the body parts come together as a system and how drugs work? Can you manage a company-wide bills and expenses without learning how important the numbers are to the company? Can you create the apps in your mind without getting yourself familiar with the codings and architecture?

The main point about having education is to learn how you can perform your dreams. You wana save lives? Education teaches you human anatomy and stuff, education institutions prepare you to be ready to do it.

Notice the keyword yet? It's 'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO DO??'.

If you end up studying something just before you CAN, not because you WANT TO, you will end up in a career you don't hate but have absolutely no passion doing it. And then you will grow attached to it because it gives you good pay for having experience so you will keep doing it till the end, not having the chance to discover your dreams and potential.

Think about it. You have this job that you don't hate but pays your bill and support your family. Occasionally you get to bring them out for a nice treat. One day you met someone and you settled down. You have a family of your own now and you can't just bail on this job because you need the money for your children. It goes on until you're retired.

Is this what you want?

If it is not, think properly and chase your passion! I always believe that when you do something that you love to do, the money will come.

But I guess the worst thing is, not knowing what you want. This is where education comes into the picture again. Our current education system exposed us to various fields and you just gotta give it all a try until you get it. If you don't, obviously you have to look outside rather than forcing yourself to pick what's there.

Sometimes we are also tied by financial constraints. We can't go for what we want recklessly, putting our family's welfare in jeopardy. Well education will do wonders to your maturity and attitudes, helping you to plan ahead and deal with the constraints. So when you complain about your life, think whether is this the best you can do. Seriously complaints get you nowhere. Change does.

Education comes in many forms. Sitting in a classroom isn't the only way you can be educated. If you think you learn better by being practical, go for internship or get a job. If you like learning through reading and research, form l education is the way. If you learn best from people, look for mentors.

Education doesn't stop at secondary school or college or uni. It stops when you think you're good enough (pride issue/procrastination) or will never be good enough (thinking that this is the best you can do and it can't be better even if you try).

Pardon me for such a boring lengthy post. I love learning and I understand that sometimes the system or the people(teachers/peers) or our own attitude makes learning a constant struggle. It didn't have to be that way. Learning is fun. Getting education is a privilege. The ability to think and express is a gift. It would be such a waste if we didn't make full use of it.

Education is best paired with goals and good attitude. And I would say, 16 years of education taught me learn to live, and live to contribute.

Thank you God for making this possible. =)

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