Thursday, October 4, 2012

Project 365: 46/365

Have you ever experienced living under somebody's shadow?

A sibling who's almost perfect in every way?
A friend who appear to be more attractive?
A colleague who outperformed you?

Let's check the symptoms:

1) Feel like what you do is always NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
2) Constantly demotivated when you need to do something because someone else will surely do it better.
3) Only do what others are doing and want what others have.
4) Always admire somebody else's achievement.
5) When you finally achieve something, you think it is not because of your capability, but luck. Or the absence of the other person.

So that's what the bloody shadow does to us. It makes us feel like a lower person, always having less good quality compared to other people. But here's the keyword, COMPARISON.

A great mind (HAHAHA!) once told me, comparing yourself to other people is not only not healthy, but disastrous to your own self-esteem. How true! We would constantly put ourselves down because our mind has played a trick on us to bring another person up. It's like a mental disease, blocking your mind to look at yourself and just yourself.

We are taught to compare since we were young.

Having 100% is better than having 99% in a test paper.
Being the top is better than being the first runner up.
Being slim is better than being plump.
Having 3k salary is better than 2k (at some point this statement is true #skeptical).

But seriously, WHO THE HELL CARES! (alright I got can put down your hand..#okay.jpg)

No seriously, why do we have to be BETTER THAN SOMEBODY in order to be good? Every single individual is special in our own ways.

If you have the symptoms above, know that you are strong enough to take the sun's heat directly, instead of hiding behind somebody else's shadow! You might find that the sunlight is actually warming, and you will feel really good to be on your own. There is a whole new world, whole new perspective for you to explore, instead of looking at someone's back all the time, thinking this is the best that you can get.

All the best! =D

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