I haven't watch The Avengers.
Now drop the tomatoes and eggs and your mockery tqvm.
So last Friday we went to colleague's open house and he played the BluRay version of The Avengers for us to watch.
I mean..of course it is awesome and all that (although yj kinda fell asleep wtf). But...
Can you look at The Avengers the same way again after reading all the related posts in 9gag like below:
Whichever character is up, I will connect them to the posts and jokes I've read and seriously I just can't seem to watch the movie properly omfg Imma watch a movie before 9gaggers do if not they will ruin the movie for me not that I don't enjoy the gags I love the gags it's just that I wana watch the movie as well do you get what I mean wtf this is too long for a sentence #okay.jpg
Anyway, something is very wrong on Sunday. It must the sun, or the heat, or the weather or something wtf. I get tired very easily and I had headache since morning. #ItsAtrap.jpg because I took a nap and it's like whole day's gone and tomorrow is Monday already!
I'm looking forward to Monday woohoo! I guess if we don't like Mondays, we need to do something about it, and I've done something about it (neh my attitude problem) so yeah..yay Monday! I sound like a faker don't I #okay.jpg
So good night to my fellow readers, and have a blessed Monday! Don't pout HAHAHA
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