Monday, September 10, 2012

Project 365: 22/365

I tried to write this post with only "kjdnfjhdfjdklfdfj" all the way and this is the time I wish I have no readers so nobody would find out and I'm still fulfilling my Project 365 HAHAHA #self-delusion

I'm currently reading a book named "Big Girl" by Danielle Steel. There's one part from the book that I really like. It sounded like this:

She felt different all her life, out of step and she tried so hard to conform. But now, they are all going out into a world where they would be all different, where no one would fit in, where they had to be themselves to succeed, and follow their own paths.

How true!

When we were in our teens day, we seek the sense of belonging, doing all we can to fit in, and feel terribly out of place when we are different, afraid to be known as 'weirdo'.

And then we learn that 'different is good'. We have to learn how to look nothing like our peers. And we constantly need to prove a point that we are special, telling people to take it or leave it.

Ah life. Forever makes us do the mainstream thing.


Fyi, I come from a small city in Malaysia, Ipoh. The public transport there suckx to the very max. If you wana go around, you can only rely on self transport. That's why I was thrilled to learn that I can go almost anywhere I want in KL/PJ by public transport, without relying on anybody.

But the universe failed me.

I still can go anywhere I want, provided if I turn off my sense of time or punctuality. I will be late for practically every outing but being late doesn't seem like an issue for anyone here (except for me getting late for work and make yj wait for 999999999minutes wtf). I can't even plan my travel time and estimate my journey because the bus schedule is unpredictable GRRRRRRRRR!

The best thing is, to get to an area just 15-20mins from your place, because the train route f-ed up, it'll take you 2hours to reach WHY LIKE THIS LA YOU TELL ME!!! And I can do nothing but day dream thanks to my motion sickness! Damn unproductive you know!

I'm sure I'm not the only spoilt brat dissatisfied citizen who complained.

So what's your view on Malaysia's public transport system?

It's ok..comment away! I reassure you this is not my attempt to drag you with me should I get into trouble. #cunning

1 wise men stood up:

  1. Check my version here


    My current colleague aka our friend sometimes late to work because KTM or LRT is delayed GRRRRRRRRRR


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