Thursday, November 29, 2012

Project 365: 99/365

Since I have a blog and since you're not reading it, like ever (with annoying American tone), Imma go ahead and write this post and you will only see it if you see it. Hmph.

I've always used touchy words to write birthday wishes for you, so now let's do this differently!

Thanks for being so tall that whenever you stand beside me, you inhaled all the fresh air, letting me suffocate and gasp for air.

Thanks for being so sampat that we feel embarrassed bringing you out.

Thanks for being so anti social that you rather spend your time watching drama than hanging out with us.

Speaking of that, thanks for introducing us to the land of hamsup-ness by telling us the story of xxx.

Thanks for being so academically excellent that I look like an idiot compared to you.

Thanks for being so childish that I have to be the middle stone between you and sushien fml


Thanks, for being a friend like that to me, that my life is coloured by you and it'll be less meaningful without you.

Thanks, for being in my life.

Happy Birthday, dear Bobo.

HAHAHA if you see this you're so gonna kill me!

0 wise men stood up:

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