In this five months, I notice the word I used the most is "I'm not sure".
Until today I can only understand 0.2% of my colleagues' work related conversation. I've been telling people the same percentage since internship time and it hasn't increase a bit T.T
And I'm supposed to be sitting for a certification exam but here I am..blogging about me not knowing most of the things I'm supposed to know at work. T.T
Every time I came across something that I don't understand, I find it hard to just drop what I was doing at the moment and look it up. Then I would just brushed it off. That's why up until now, I am still 'not sure' about many things.
I told myself I must decrease the percentage of me saying "I'm not sure" when problem comes up, and increase my understanding towards my colleagues' work conversation (maybe some gossip HAHAHA sorry that's my female hormone talking).
So, dreadful readings, I'M COMING! soon. Maybe tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHA
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