Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Project 365: 101/365

OMFG I have 7 posts due!

Hi fellow readers! Or just Deb wtf. The reason why I haven't been blogging these few days is because I was busy with work (the truth: I am still not done reading the novel). I was either out or really busy with work (the truth: busy reading the novel & watch drama), and I have no inspiration HAHAHA so whenever I log in to my blogger I'd just go blank and serenely close the window, pick up a cup of tea and continue reading my novel (the truth: there is no tea involved).

But I'm back! Because at a stormy night with thunder and lighting (chinese: 在一个雷电交加的晚上), le me had a nightmare about people bitching about me failing my Project 365, only to wake up to a cruel reality where people REALLY DO bitch about me failing my Project 365 (the truth: I really am talking about you ar #soulmate HAHAHA fyl). The nightmare is true shit btw.

So today I had two mind blowing moments with two awesome people. First first, I went to client's site with my colleague. Which client, you asked? I can't tell. But having the opportunity to go to this client's place is really great because at one point of my life (as in primary school time wtf) I was very proud of my Chinese language proficiency that I wanted to work in that field. 10 years later, this client never change a bit and I don't mean it in a good way. So there goes my dream of being in that field (hahaha I know it could be confusing that you duno what field I'm talking about..but you know..just some random field..hahaha).

Something is wrong with their database so my colleague came to their rescue and I was just being an observer aka useless person wtf can't even proudly say I am an intern and come to observe things anymore T.T. He had a plan of how to recover their database but it wasn't working, and worse, the person in charge was sitting beside us watching everything my colleague did. He didn't panic or anything, but calmly checking their database to see if there's any alternative. In the end he did it earlier than the client expected, and he purposely wanted to troll them by teaching me stuff first before completing the last few steps of his work HAHAHA.

Fml lah when I was doing some insignificant work at client's place and the person in charge there watching me, I also felt panicky and perspired under my armpit wtf. Knowledge and skills really do build up a person's confidence level (which is directly correlated to armpit's perspiration level #truestory.jpg). I wana be like my senior one day! #naive-tone

Second mind-blowing story is when #soulmate successfully created a sms scam system something! Hahaha I don't really know what she's doing. Developers are just so damn cun! (and hot wtf #wink-at-soulmate).

After experiencing both moments, I became very emo because I haven't done any significant thing yet (like in my whole damn life wtf). Then I went to the pantry and grabbed some cookies to eat. And there it is, the rainbows and unicorns! Life's all good again HAHAHA.

Ahh. No wonder I've not done anything significant yet. T.T

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